Course Name: AVEVA™ AVEVA™ Edge 2020 R2 SI, 5 – 7 Mar 2025
Availability: SI, 5 – 7 Mar 2025
Time: 9:00 – 16:00
Course Outline
Module 1 – Introduction
Section 1 – Course Introduction
This section describes the objectives of the course, intended audience, prerequisites, and course agenda.
Section 2 – AVEVA Edge Overview
This section provides an overview of AVEVA Edge 2020 R2.
Module 2 – Installation and Licensing
Section 1 – Installation
This section describes the AVEVA Edge 2020 R2 components: Studio, SCADA, Embedded HMI, Compact HMI, and IoT View. It also explains installation requirements and discusses SCADA and project runtime software on a Windows Embedded device, such as Embedded HMI and Compact HMI.
Section 2 – Licensing
This section discusses the license settings for any machine running Studio, Windows runtime, or embedded runtime software. The topics covered are: protection type, version, product type, execution mode, and thin clients. It also discusses licensing steps, such as how to get a license and where to get information on installing a license.
Module 3 – Getting Started
Section 1 – Studio
This section describes the AVEVA Edge 2020 R2 graphic user interface (GUI). It discusses the Application Menu, Quick Access Toolbar, Ribbon Interface, Project Explorer, Workspace, Watch, Output Window, Title Bar, and Status Bar. It also discusses customizable styles, which can be applied to everything in the main GUI, dialog boxes, icons, and worksheets. The customizable styles include custom colors and a dark theme.
Section 2 – Tags and the Project Database
This section provides an overview of tags and discusses the following tag categories: Project, Shared, and System. It explains the tag properties Tag Name, Data Type, Scope, and Array tags and also explains classes and describes indirect tags.
Section 3 – Distributing an Edge Application
This section explains how to download the embedded runtime software and the project to a production computer using Remote Management. It discusses how to connect to the runtime device using the Remote Management tool, the requirements to install runtime on the production computer and license the installed software, how to download the project to the target, and how to run or stop the project.
Module 4 – Communicating with External Devices
Section 1 – Communication Drivers
This section provides an overview of communication drivers and discusses driver Help files separate from the main Help file. It discusses how to add and configure a driver task, which includes the Main Driver Sheet and the Standard Driver Sheet. It also explains how to run communication between the project and field equipment.
Section 2 – OPC UA
This section provides an overview of OPC UA. It explains how to configure an OPC UA connection to an OPC Server, create a new OPC UA Client worksheet, and create a group of redundant OPC connections.
Section 3 – Tag Integration
This section provides an overview of tag integration. It explains how to integrate tags from a third-party control application or device into a project. It discusses the sources that can be used and describes how to add a tag integration source, noting that one PLC corresponds to one configuration integration. It also explains how to use the Object Finder to select integrated tags and how to check used tags in a shared database.
Section 4 – Monitoring and Troubleshooting
This section provides an overview of the monitoring and troubleshooting tools, explaining why they are needed. It discusses how to remotely connect to runtime running on a different machine from Studio, using the following tools: Watch, the Output window, and LogWin.
Module 5 – Native Screens and Native Graphics
Section 1 – Native Screens and Screen Groups
This section provides an overview of screens, explaining why they are needed. It explains how to create screens, describing the following screen attributes: screen style and screen background color or image. It also explains how to rename existing screens, provides an overview of screen groups, and explains how to create, rename, and modify screen groups. In addition, it describes the Layout Tool.
Section 2 – Shapes
This section provides an overview of shapes. It explains how to add shape objects and configure the line, open polygon, closed polygon, rectangle, rounded rectangle, and ellipse shape objects.
Section 3 – Formatting
This section provides an overview of formatting. It explains how to format graphics using the Draw and Format ribbons. It describes the format options on the Draw ribbon: Selection, Disable Drag, Replace, Object Properties, Grid Settings, and Arrange. It also explains the format options on the Format ribbon: Arrange, Position, Size, Style, and Fonts.
Section 4 – Active Objects
This section provides an overview of active objects and discusses the Active Objects toolbar, which you can use to create interactive objects. It describes the common object properties: Font, Color buttons, Key area, Disable, Security, Virtual Keyboard, Align, Auto Format, Auto gray out, Enable Focus, Enable Translation, E-Sign, Force, Multiline, Require Confirmation, and Wrap Text. It also describes the following objects and corresponding properties on the Draw tab: Text, Text Box, Button, Pushbutton, Check Box, Radio Button, Combo Box, List Box, and Smart Message.
Section 5 – Animations
This section provides an overview of animations. It discusses animation types, explains how to add an animation to an object, and describes how to configure an animation in an object.
Section 6 – The Symbol Library
This section provides an overview of symbols. It discusses project symbols versus system symbols, explains how to insert system symbols to be used by the project, and describes how to configure symbols.
Section 7 – Project Localization
This section explains how to translate a project’s user interface into multiple languages, using either machine translation (for example, Google Translate) or a human translator. It also explains how to switch the project’s language during runtime with a simple function call.
Module 6 – Overview of Scripting
Section 1 – Client-Side Scripts
This section discusses screen scripts and screen logic, and graphics scripts. It explains where to access them and describes the three different triggers: On Open, While Open, and On Close. It addresses the screen scripts execution interval for both. It also discusses graphics scripts. It explains where to access them and describes the three different triggers: On Start, While Running, and On End. It addresses the screen scripts execution interval for these scripts.
Section 2 – Background Tasks
This section discusses the math, script, and scheduler worksheets. It discusses where to access the sheets and describes the trigger points to run the scripts for each worksheet. For the math worksheet, it also explains the Description and Execution header parameters and the Tag Name and Expression body parameters. In addition, it covers the math scripts execution interval. For the script worksheet, it also explains the Description and Execution header parameters and the VBScript and Built-In body parameters. It also describes the Startup Script worksheet. For the scheduler worksheets, it also explains the Description header parameter and the Event, Trigger, Time, Date, Tag, Expression, and Disable body parameters.
Module 7 – Alarms and Events
Section 1 – Alarms
This section provides an overview of alarms. It discusses the alarm tasks: Level Alarms, Rate Alarms, and Deviation Alarms. It describes the alarm task worksheet’s purpose to log alarms and describes the worksheet’s Header and Body areas. It also explains the Alarm/Event Control object’s purpose to display alarms and describes how to embed and configure the object.
Section 2 – Events
This section discusses events. It explains how to enable Event Logger by enabling the following events: Security system, Display, Recipe, Report, Custom Messages, System Warning, and Tag changes. It also describes the event display.
Module 8 – Data Logging and Display
Section 1 – Trend
This section provides an overview of data logging. It discusses data logging, explaining how to create a Trend task worksheet, and describes a Trend Control object. It explains how to plot the trend, describing the Trend Control object properties, and explains how to convert Trend History files from binary to text.
Section 2 – Grid Control
This section discusses the Grid Control object, explaining read/write data. It describes the Grid Control object properties: Data Source, Columns, Advanced, and Fonts and Colors.
Module 9 – Recipes and Reports
Section 1 – Recipes
This section discusses recipes. It explains how to create a recipe worksheet, describing the Recipe Header and Recipe Body, and explains the built-in recipe function.
Section 2 – Reports
This section discusses reports. It explains how to create a report worksheet, describing the Report Header and Report Body, and explains the built-in report function.
Module 10 – Project Security
Section 1 – Overview
This section provides an overview of the Security mode and Access level. For the Security mode, it describes the following: Local Only, Distributed – Server, Distributed – Client, and Domain (LDAP).For the Access level, it discusses permission based on groups. It also explains how to configure a security system.
Section 2 – Protecting Your Intellectual Property
This section explains how to configure passwords for the application, screens, symbols, and worksheets.
Module 11 – Remote Clients
Section 1 – Mobile Access
This section provides an overview of remote clients. It discusses the prerequisites to run remote clients and explains how to use Mobile Access to deploy an HTML5-enhanced web interface for smartphones and tablets. It also describes how to configure the Mobile Access web interface: Alarm, Process Values, Trend, and Screens. In addition, it describes how to use the # symbol as part of the URL address and the purpose of using the # symbol instead of the? symbol.
Module 12 – Using Databases
Section 1 – The Project Database
This section provides an overview of databases. It explains how to configure a project database for alarms, events, and trends. It discusses SQL relational databases and describes how to link the database through a remote DB provider.
Section 2 – Database/ERP Task
This section explains how to configure a connection with a SQL Database, using the Database/ERP task. It explains how to create a connection by configuring a Database/ERP connection, configuring a Database/ERP worksheet, and sending commands to a database using built-in functions.
Module 13 – Integrating with Other AVEVA Software Products
Section 1 – AVEVA Historian
This section provides an overview of Historian. It explains how to connect to an on-premise Historian and a Historian hosted by AVEVA™ Online.
Section 2 – System Platform
This section provides an overview of System Platform. It discusses the ITMEViewApp object, explaining how to create a new AVEVA Edge HMI application and import an existing AVEVA Edge HMI application. It describes how to download and run a project on a target device from ITMEViewApp. It also discusses general configuration attributes and runtime object attributes.
Module 14 – Industrial Graphics
Section 1 – Industrial Graphics and Situational Awareness Visualization
This section discusses the prerequisites to use Industrial Graphics and Situational Awareness graphics, which are Industrial Information Services (IIS) and Mobile Access, and provides an overview of these graphics. It describes how to import the symbol libraries, including a discussion of the Prevent Import Overwrite feature, and create a new symbol. It explains that Industrial Graphics can only be embedded in an Industrial Graphics screen and further explains that Industrial Graphics screens can belong to screen groups with native screens. It discusses the custom properties for Industrial Graphics and Situational Awareness graphics and explains Wizard Options for Situational Awareness graphics. It explains that symbol libraries and symbols can be exported to an aaPKG file, which can be used as backups in another project. In addition, it discusses known limitations of Industrial Graphics concerning the Layout tool, Element Style, User Input Keyboard, Thin Clients, and Overwriting Symbols. It also describes how to edit, import, and export the Element Style named application style.
Section 2 – Using the Industrial Graphics Editor
This section introduces the Industrial Graphics Editor and explains the advantages of working with graphics as Assemblies in the Industrial Graphics Editor. It describes how to easily embed the graphics from symbol libraries and user-created symbols. It discusses how to maintain the integrity and relationship of all the elements as a single symbol. It describes the custom properties dialog box and explains the two ways to add tags to the Default Value field: manually entering the tagname or using the Tag Browser to select the tag. It also describes Static Text versus Reference or Expression fields and explains that description text is the main Help system on symbols. In addition, it explains that Enable Private will hide a custom property to prevent it from being used in the Industrial Graphics Editor.
Section 3 – Custom Properties and Animations in Symbols
This section explains that when the library does not have what you need, you can customize. It describes how to create custom properties and provides an overview of the different types of animations.
Section 4 – for Industrial Graphics
This section provides an overview of and describes the use of the Industrial Graphics Script Editor. It explains the different triggers of scripts: Predefined Scripts, Named Scripts, and Action Scripts. It also describes the basic features of the ShowGraphic function.
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